Recently, I visited Kalavasos village and was greatly impressed by the beauty of this rural gem. Situated approximately 30 km from Limassol, it is an ideal setting for a short break from city life.
The name 'Kalavasos' comes from ancient Greek 'vassa', meaning 'wooded valley'. For centuries, the lush area has produced carob, olive, pine and oleaster trees, along with other vegetation and crops.
The village is close to five former copper mines which date back to Phoenician and Roman times. They were closed for centuries until the 1800s, when copper mining became an important part of Cyprus' economy until 1978. The train pictured below was used to transport ore to the Vasiliko port. It may be the only train in Cyprus!
In the centre of the village are the Titiotissa Church and a 19th century mosque. The mosque served the Turkish Cypriots for over a hundred years until they moved to a neighbouring village, Mari, in 1967. The village has had a fluctuating population over the decades and today there are around 700 inhabitants.
Stone houses with picturesque gates and portals line the peaceful, narrow streets, which are typical of Cypriot villages. The taverns/restaurants in the centre of the village are currently closed, but they hope to open next month.
There is always an abundance of colourful flowers at this time of year in Cypriot villages!
Just before leaving the village, I was amused to look up and see five lines with musical 'notes' dotted along, all chirping in harmonious song: an impromptu symphony of praise to their Creator! Beautiful!
Creation sings the Father’s song; He calls the sun to wake the dawn And run the course of day, Till evening comes in crimson rays. His fingerprints in flakes of snow, His breath upon this spinning globe, He charts the eagle’s flight, Commands the newborn baby’s cry.
Hallelujah! Let all creation stand and sing: “Hallelujah!” Fill the earth with songs of worship, Tell the wonders of creation’s King.
Creation gazed upon His face; The ageless One in time’s embrace, Unveiled the Father’s plan Of reconciling God and man. A second Adam walked the earth, Whose blameless life would break the curse, Whose death would set us free To live with Him eternally.
Creation longs for His return, When Christ shall reign upon the earth; The bitter wars that rage Are birth pains of a coming age. When He renews the land and sky, All heaven will sing and earth reply With one resplendent theme: The glory of our God and King.
Stuart Townend